Morrowind Survival Mods: Which one is for you?

Role-playing and survival are very important aspects of my Morrowind. Luckily, we now have a bunch of mods to choose from. This article aims to help you pick the right one for you.
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Scroll down to get a breakdown of each mod's pros and cons.
Necessities of Morrowind by Taddeus
Food, Thirst and Sleep. Sleep can be disabled
+ Unique features
- Cook with pots, pans, ovens, grills, knives, cutting boards, and rolling pin
- Learn recipes from books
- Brew teas (quest)
- New fruit juices and alcohol
- Food shops with dynamic displays across Vvardenfell
- drunk mechanics
- stamina mechanics
+ Many house mods have NoM functionality (UL for example)
+ Many patches over the years to make NoM compatible with other mods (Morrowind Crafting for example)
+ not MWSE-dependant
- modifies landscapes so not compatible with Morrowind Rebirth and other mods that modify landscapes (look for patches, chances are there is one).
- imported foods such as cheese and fruits might not suit a purist game.
The Bare Necessities by Destructor36 (WandeRA edits)
Food, Thirst, Sleep. All can be disabled
+ unique skooma addiction mechanics
+ simple approach: consume suitable vanilla ingredients to eat, get water to drink, and a bed(roll) to sleep
- MWSE-dependant
- bottles are consumed with the water, get this patch
Frostwind by Merlord
Food, Thirst, and Sleep (only bonuses), and temperature. All can be disabled
+ Craft your camping gear
+ simple recipes to cook while camping
+ not MWSE-dependant
Water and Thirst + Cooking and Eating + Bad Weather Matters by Ian/Racerplume
Weather effects, Hunger, and Thirst. Weather optional, hunger can be disabled
+ purist approach and simplicity of use
+ simple recipes to cook while camping
+ inn-keepers can serve food and drinks
+ not MWSE-dependant
Ashfall by Merlord
Food, Thirst, Sleep, and Temperatures. All can be disabled
+ Tons of features, many of them unique, some visually stunning
- frost breath
- visual effects when too hot and too cold
- smart placement of tents and campfire (gravity is a thing)
- visual effects for cooked/burnt food, steaming cooking pot and kettle
- Dynamic backpack that show some of your camping gear
+ Unique gameplay mechanics
- chop trees for firewood
- drink clean water or risk dysentery
- eat cooked meat or risk food poisoning
- stay warm and dry or catch the flu
- survival skill that contributes towards your levels and makes you more resistant to adverse effects
- share your food with companions
- basic needs, weather, temperatures, food are all connected and influence one another.
- Dynamic replacement of all firepits, grills, fireplaces and oven so you can use any of them to cook.
- Tea-brewing mechanics
- Bushcrafting: using only resources found in the wilderness, craft anything you need to survive, from a wooden spoon to a bed, a backpack, a chest.
+ QoL features
- in-game menu to fine-tune your experience
- major mod-added water sources and ingredients fully integrated (TR, UL, Water Life, Creatures IX, Cannibals)
- fulfill your needs in the wilderness (camping) or in town (services)
- MWSE-dependant
- Can be overwhelming because of its many many features but it's all super intuitive, I promise.
Taddeus's Foods of Tamriel
This is my attempt to bring elements of Necessities of Morrowind that complete Ashfall.
- Most NoM foods added
- Fruit juices kept but wine and beer removed
- Shops kept
- Oven to bake bread kept
- some water sources (compatible with Ashfall) kept
- Cutting board recipes kept
Last words
It is no secret that I love Ashfall to pieces, do let me know if you feel I have missed pros of the other mods ;) Or cons of Ashfall.