Permadeath Chronicles: Zaarinsis

The character creation process for my permadeath runs begins with a semi-randomized system. I allow myself up to three rolls to determine the character’s class, race, birthsign, and background. Remarkably, Zaarinsis came to life with the very first set of rolls. Everything clicked so perfectly that re-rolling felt unnecessary.
The community that joins me during my livestreams plays a huge role in shaping these stories.
In the nature of permadeath runs, the end is inevitable—my characters always meet their fate. Yet some stories feel too compelling to let go. This chronicle is one of them.
The Final Journey of Zaarinsis
Zaarinsis's final journey began on a small island off the coast of Khuul, where the Ohmes-raht monk sought solitude and peace. 'In silence, one finds truth,' he often reminded himself, a teaching from his Temple days that had gained new meaning in his solitary life. The waters were calm as he swam to the seemingly uninhabited isle, where he discovered the makings of a perfect camp: fresh water, native roobrush suitable for tea and broth, and an abandoned bedroll near an old firepit.

'The ancestors provide,' he murmured. Though he had drifted from formal Temple worship, such simple comforts still brought to mind the teachings of Almsivi's guidance. After brewing tea and taking a moment to centre himself, Zaarinsis explored his temporary sanctuary. Behind dense bushes, he discovered the entrance to a cave.

Inside, scattered papers and personal effects told the story of another soul seeking isolation—or maybe forced into isolation? Journal fragments spoke of an Argonian's struggle and retreat from society. Deeper in the cave, Zaarinsis caught sight of the Argonian himself. Unsure of the Argonian's disposition—Zaarinsis was an intruder, after all—he quietly withdrew. The experience stirred memories of his years with the Tribunal Temple, awakening a sudden longing for the community he thought he had left behind.

In Khuul's tradehouse, Zaarinsis lightened his travel burden, trading away unnecessary possessions. 'We carry too much that we do not need,' he reflected, a lesson learned from years of wandering. True to his solitudinarian lifestyle, he walked past the silt strider platform—the long road ahead would be his path, as always.

That road proved treacherous. While the wild creatures were merely following their nature, Zaarinsis was troubled by the number of bandits and Ashlanders preying upon travellers. 'They too suffer,' he thought, 'though their path brings suffering to others.' Through mindful movement and awareness at times and frantic escapes at others, he avoided most confrontations.
Upon reaching Gnisis, Zaarinsis sought out the Tribunal Temple, his near encounter with the Argonian hermit having stirred something in him. 'Perhaps it is time to rebuild bridges, not burn them,' he pondered. The priest informed him that formal Temple business would require a journey to Ald'ruhn. Though disappointed, Zaarinsis accepted this with characteristic grace and began the long trek southward.

His journey ended abruptly just outside Gnisis. Prepared to defend himself against a single nix-hound, Zaarinsis was instead confronted by an entire pack. Despite his martial training, the gentle monk was overwhelmed by their numbers. His last thoughts were of peace, even as the harsh roads of Vvardenfell claimed him.

Zaarinsis’s story came together with help from a few key sources:
- Screenshots (the pretty ones!!) were provided by DetailDevil.
- I used ChatGPT to polish the flow and catch any typos.
- the people who joined during the livestream and quite literally created Zaarinsis with me.