Pearls and Pirate: A Morrowind Mod

The Story
Last theme of the Morrowind Modding Maddness, well, last themes: ocean and thief.
We agreed on having pirates very quickly: Lady loves them and they happen to be sea thieves. We had discussed using pearls at the very beginning of the event while brainstorming so we put the two together. I know, not very creative with the mod names...
Lady designed the exterior of the shack while I decorated the interior. That took a while as I decided to have (again) an active display that shows the quest progression: pearls and new items crafted with pearls are automatically put on display. The rest of the decoration was rather easy as I used my own containers .
I did all the dialogues and quests, and that was time-consuming, as usual :)
Pseumonix and I created models using pearls and shells.
Overall, I am quite pleased with the mod. We were going to have a beautiful pirate cove but ran out of time.
By the end of the event, I was quite tired and had had my modding fill for quite a while. Working with a team is a lot of fun but can get a little stressful as well ( I have a thing with deadlines)
I am very grateful to Pseumonix and Lady for their hard work, feel free to check out their mods on the Nexus.
The mod
[On the Nexus](}
❧ In the Azura’s Coast lives a lowly fisherman who specialises in working with pearls.
If you help him, he will share some information about a treasure.
Beware: there are pirates along the way!
❧ In this mod you will:
Meet a pearl fisherman south of Tel Mora and elp the fisherman expand his wares – warning: some thieving may be required.
Meet pirates and gather clues to a treasure.