Midnabi, Ashlander Beastmaster

Based on the Beastmaster guide I wrote a while ago, and following AliceL93's suggestion, I made Midnabi an Ashlander rather than a Bosmer.
From there, her background and personality game together very smoothly, partly inspired by the starting scenarios I created for Merlord's most recent WIP Chargen Scenarios.
Here's her character sheet:
Name: Midnabi
Race: Dunmer
Gender: Female
Birthsign: The Ritual (Ancestral)
Class: Beastmaster
Midnabi was raised in a small Ashlander tribe, learning the ways of the land and its creatures under the guidance of Sargon, the tribe’s leader. Though she is not of the tribe by birth—Sargon claims he found her as a child—her connection to animals became apparent early on. At the age of seven, she tamed her first guar, naming him Halu, meaning "steadfast." He remained her constant companion until he was slain by a roaming scamp.
Like any Ashlander, Midnabi has mastered the basics of bushcraft, ensuring her survival even when alone.
Her life changed when the wise woman of the tribe had a prophetic dream: Midnabi walking between worlds—the world of beasts, the world of spirits, and the world of men—serving as a bridge in times of great change. Though reluctant to leave her people, she understood that dreams carry the wisdom of the ancestors and must not be ignored.
- Midnabi primarily connects with the ancestors through daily prayer.
- She offers reverence to Mephala, whom the Ashlanders consider a Good Daedra.
- The Blades: Though initially distrustful of outlanders, she comes to understand that ancient prophecies sometimes require unlikely alliances.
- Morag Tong: Their connection to Mephala and adherence to ancient Dunmer traditions appeal to her sense of honor and justice.
- The Ashlanders: Though not a formal faction, she remains deeply tied to their traditions and way of life.
- Morrowind’s Beasts: As a Beastmaster, she seeks to understand, protect, cure, and live alongside the creatures of her homeland.
- The Flora of Morrowind: Her knowledge of native plants aids in healing both herself and her animal companions.
- Unravel the meaning of the wise woman’s vision and her role in Vvardenfell’s future.
- Establish a sanctuary for blighted animals, seeking ways to cure or ease their suffering.
- Learn about her Ancestors, find out who she is.
Likes and Dislikes
✔ Loves guars above all other creatures.
✔ Prefers wide, open landscapes over settlements.
✖ Dislikes the invading Imperials, who steal the land and dismantle Ashlander traditions.
✖ Despises the Great Houses, who scorn Ashlanders and trade heritage for power under the Imperial rule.
✖ Hates and fears scamps, and by extension, most Daedra.
The key mods are Ashfall, Guar Whisperer, and all the mods I know and like that:
- enhance the main quest
- add content related to Ashlanders.
- expand the Morag Tong faction
- improve the Grazelands, Ashlands, and Red Mountain
Here's a list of the mods that enhance your game with this character:
- All creature companion mods (ULF, Corgi Companion, Kolka the Wolf, Tetra the Pack Guar, Lucevar Companion, Paxon the Pack Rat, Henwen the Pack Piglet, War Kagouti Companion - Mausi, OAAB Winged Twilight, Gizmo the Guar Fabricant Companion, Avni the Ash-hound - A Nix-Hound Companion Mod, The Guar Whisperer
- Companion mods: Julan, Arvesa, Friends and Frens (gotta have the Merlord companion!!)
- Finding the Erabenimsun Ashlander Camp
- The Song of the Grazelands
- Thickle-Lo Grove
- Bal'laku - The Lonely Towers
- OAAB - Foyada Mamaea
- Tales from the Ashlands - The Great Hive Baan Binif
- Valley of the Wind Overhaul
- Crown of Urshilaku
- RR Mod Series - Holamayan Monastery Replacer
- Azura's Shrine Overhaul
- Baal Duun - Cursed Isle of the Four Corners
- Palace of Vehk
- Baar Dau - Ministry of Truth
- OAAB Tel Mora
- OAAB Grazelands
- RR Mod Series - Ghostgate Fortress
Main Quest
- Unholy Trinity - Dagoth Ur - Vemynal - Odrosal Remade (Dagoth Ur plugin NOT installed)
- Akulakhan's best chamber
- Dagoth Ur Fleshed Out
- Kogoruhn - Extinct City of Ash and Sulfur
- Cavern Of The Incarnate Overhaul
- Corprusarium - Sorrow Heart of Tel Fyr
- Deadly Dagoths
- Vivec's Fate - The Ashlander Heresy 2.0
- New Ilunibi
- Cutscenes Revamped - Cavern of the Incarnate
- Join the Dissident Priests
- Call Incarnate
- After the Blight
- Main Quest Improvements
- On the move
- Your Own Ashlander Tribe
- Red Wisdom - An Ashlander Prophecy
- Ashlander Traders Remastered
- Ashlanders Herd
- The Ashlanders
- Ashlander Silt Skiff
- Ashlander Quests
- The Vanishing Ash-chirps - A Quest Mod
- Forgotten Wastes
- Failed Incarnates Pilgrimage
- Feedbag - Feed the Beasties and Earn Your Doolittle Doctorate
- Know Thy Ancestors
- Ius the Animal God
- Ultimate Fishing
- Ashfall - A Camping Survival and Needs Mod
- The Art of Alchemy
- Pacifist Way - Good Doctor - MWSE
- The Blight
- Web of Mephala Morag Tong Headquarters
- Morag Tong Writs
- Morag Tong Secret Identity
- Morag Tong Polished
- Creatures and Critters