Danae's Awesome Incremental Modlist

After making countless Morrowind installs, and creating a bunch of modlist, I am trying to make a more or less definitive modlist with detailed installation instructions.
The list is made to be incremental: you can stop at various points depending on how you want to play the game.
You can find the guide HERE
Level 1: Vanilla (DONE)
As Todd intended...
Minus major bugs
Plus distant land and shaders
Level 2: Vanilla+ (DONE)
Optimized HD vanilla-like graphics
Grass & vegetation
Must-have bug fixes and QoL mods
A whole new continent to explore.
Increased replayability
Level 3: Vanilla++ (DONE)
Tons of graphic improvements focusing on making Morrowind more dynamic.
Soundscape improvement
UI mods
Level 4: Realism, balance and gameplay mods (WIP)
- chargen mods (Done)