Sharperwind: a Morrowind Mod

The Story

I normally don't pick graphic replacers because I feel that they get a enough attention (Confession: it could be that I am jealous) but this replacer is again, from a new modder and it is not super HD, just a little something to make good old vanilla Morrowind a little sharper.

The review

Name: Project Sharperwind
Author: Thelawfull

Description from the mod page:

  • The aim of this mod is to make morrowind look a lot better by sharpening up the textures so that people can have a great morrowind experience graphics wise without having to have a good rig, Also maintaining the vanilla look but better like if the npcs maintained there looks with some sort of makeup and cleaned the walls and houses a lot, Dirt look more like swamp dirt etc.
  • Everything in this mod is categorized so you can pick what you want to change and if you don't like the change you can just delete it from textures.
    The main file is now the final maintained release, I feel that I've done everything I can without making the texture go entirely white in the game.
    The reason why im saying maintained is that I might change the textures around depending on peoples interest and will start retexturing the dlcs.

My view on this mod:

  • If you can't (or won't) use HD textures and want to keep the vanilla feel of the game, this retexture is for you. It is modular so you may pick the textures you like best (I love the architexture and armour, but didn't care for the skin retext)
  • The Lawfull recently published a new retexture of the UI
    Nexus link: ?
    and released an updated version of Sharperwind (not modular anymore)