Septerra Core: A review

The story

Before I had the tools or the nerve to make videos, I wrote a couple of reviews on Steam.
Septerra Core is a game I played all those years ago and enjoyed soI wanted to share that.

The review

Septerra Core is an older game but if you can get past the (honestly not that bad at all) graphics, you'll find the game enjoyable.

A nice world with its own lore and history, sure, we're not talking Elder Scrolls lore, but everything is nicely tied up and make the world of Septerra Core very intersting to discover.
An very good story
Combat is fun and you'll have enough characters to suit your play style. It is an active time battle (think Final Fantasy 7 and up, but obviously with entirely different skills and items)

A lot of people seem to have problems running the game on newer OS, I didn't, running Septerra Core with Windows 10.